Schisandra Berries, Shatavari, Vitex, Holy Basil, Lemon Verbena, Saw Palmetto
No Caffeine
Helps ease Menstrual Symptoms
Organic Schisandra Berries: can help fight fatigue and relieve stress.
Organic Shatavari: commonly used to treat female reproductive and hormonal issues.
Organic Vitex: helps aid in relieving PMS symptoms. It can help provide relief from breast tenderness and headaches. It may also decrease irritability. It is also known for helping balance estrogen and progesterone and may also improve fertility.
Organic Holy Basil: can help to reduce physical and psychological stress. It may also help balance hormones and provide relief from headaches.
Organic Lemon Verbena: known for reducing inflammation and treating indigestion.
Organic Saw Palmetto: can help normalize testosterone levels in turn helping with weight loss and sex drive.